Why my colours didn't match my screen?
If the printed product doesn’t have the same colors as on your screen, it’s likely that you chose a color outside the printable spectrum. Most printers operate within the sRGB color space, but with Kornit technology, we can print within the Adobe RGB space (the triangle outlined in white). However, even with this capability, certain colors, especially purples and reds, may not appear exactly as on your screen if they fall outside the triangle.

A shade outside the printable spectrum is flagged in editing software with a warning symbol.

If you’re using red in your design, keep the following in mind: pure red (255, 0, 0) will appear orange when printed. Replace the color code with 237, 52, 62 for a more vibrant red.

A shade outside the printable spectrum is flagged in editing software with a warning symbol.

If you’re using red in your design, keep the following in mind: pure red (255, 0, 0) will appear orange when printed. Replace the color code with 237, 52, 62 for a more vibrant red.

Updated on: 20/11/2024
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